Blog About Twitter

 I feel that discussion on twitter compared to a discussion on blackboard is so much easier because just thinking of the word education you know in blackboard you have to click or tap your way through many different links to be able to even have a discussion with your peers. Compare to twitter where it only takes 1 tap to just tweet to the group of people you follow you can voice your opinions more freely. Also, it is easier to respond back on twitter. Compare to an in-class discussion I really like both because you would get to see a facial expression matching the person's word and human to human interaction is always a sign of respect, although on twitter your ideas and thoughts tend to flow at any random time of the day so when you finally have a response back you don't have to wait till the next day or the next class to discuss it with the person you can just tweet it to them and they'll see it when they wake up the next day.


  1. Hey Jorge, I completely agree with your take on twitter vs. blackboard discussion. I also find blackboard too much work to connect and have discussion whereas, in twitter it is so much easier to navigate between tweets and have a seamless discussion amongst other people.

  2. Jorge, I have a very similar discussion regarding Twitter vs Blackboard. Twitter's success is partially owned by the fact that is very easy to Tweet and replay. Blackboard is certainly is most inconvenient way of communication and interaction with others. I personally believe in person class discussions are a lot more productive than blackboard discussions, just because of the complicated access to blackboard.


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