Blog VS Wiki
A Blog can be said to be a personal journey that the author can control what kind of information they want to share with a specific audience that will be interested in their topic. As the author, you can share more reliable information on your topic. This can also lead up to a back and forth communication between you and the audience because they can comment and you answer back to them.
A Wiki is a never-ending website that is always under construction. The thing with the wiki is that anyone can edit the information added to the page regardless if it's about the topic or even if the information is not correct. Wiki is based on sources and information than the author's own opinion.
A Wiki can be used as a project for students to connect with each other and build a useful site of information that others can find useful. As said before a Wiki is more of a source website that will give you access to a product explaining what exactly it is. Compared to a Blog where is I wanted to read people's personal experiences using a product I'm interested in It would take me to a blog with a person's own personal opinions about the product which I would trust more because they already use the product.
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